Wednesday, November 3, 2010

buying bottles at the club to show wealth

ever since i moved to boston i have realized many things about the club scene. meeting people from all over the world has allowed me to see different ways people spend. when i arrived i never thought i would know so many international students, and specially i didnt know i would go out to clubs. americans in babson know us international students as bisos, and they think that all we do is go buy bottles of champagne at clubs and party all day long. in a way this could be seen as a stereotype since it is true for many of us. however, according to the reading in class stereotypes are exagerated and not true for anyone.

while growing up my parents always educated me in a manner to save money and spend it only on whats necessary. however, everyone in the world is educated differently. some people have more money than others, and some people spend it differently than others. in the reading we see in class of the looking glass self, it talks about how we dont know how to identify our selfs, so we use bottles at clubs for examples to show people who we are and how rich we are. about 40 percent of the club gets tables and spends an average of 100 plus dollars a night, and i know this because i through parties and see how much each person spends. this for a college student is some what ridicoulus and could be seen as conspicious consumption. i learn this term from a reading we did for my class in consumer society, where people spend there money to show others how wealthy they are. they use it to show off to their friends and to girls. its a medium used to show them selfs to others that sorround them, and it is incredible how much people spend on it.

when one sees this at clubs, the reading also describes them as noveau rich or new rich, which means that they dont care much about their money and just spend it away. however those who do it, my do it because they want to have fun and enjoy their time with friends. some might do it with the best intentions, however to those who dont know the reasons as said in the looking glass self they are using the bottles as a media to show everyone who they are and what they can afford.

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